Construction & Upgradation of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges Under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-III Batch-II [MP40BR308/Shivpuri-1] [MP40BR308][2023_MPRRD_127487_1] Department Name : Tender Id
Repairing and resurfacing of bituminous road and revamping of campus storm-water drainage (Phase-II) at IIT Kharagpur.] [IW/CE/NIT/23-24/011] Department Name :
Widening and Strengthening of Alawalpur Baresar Tirahipur Road (ODR) in District Ghazipur] [2835/SE Tender/jnp-gzp circle/23 date 26-06-2023] Department Name :
Construction of Datia Unao Road With FDR Technology Including External Electrification work Length 18.30 KM.] [12/2023-24/ Dt 09-06-2023] Department Name