Major Maintenance of Bikaner Phalodi Highway Section between Km4.200 to Km163.370 in Widening,strengthening of existing Bikaner Phalodi section to four lane from Km4.200 to Km55.250 and two lane with paved shoulder from Km55.200 to Km163.500 of NH15] [IPBTL/1034/BPHP/eTender/Major Maintenance/ET 17][2024_IRCON_194539_1
Department Name : IRCON International Limited||Rajasthan – IRCON||Bikaner – Phalodi Highway – IRCON
Value of Project 45,25,90,971
Tender publish date 1-May-2024 5:30 PM
Closing Date : Check in Department website. for more update.
the above information just for sharing knowledge purpose only.