Dibrugarh/CRIF/2023-24/02 Construction of RCC Bridge over River Buridehing at Romaighat including Approaches and Protection work in Lahowal LAC ] [Dibrugarh/CRIF/2023-24/02][2024_PWD_37222_1]
Dibrugarh/CRIF/2023-24/04 Widening and Strengthening of old NH 37 ] [Dibrugarh/CRIF/2023-24/04][2024_PWD_37251_1] Department Name : Public Works Roads Department Value of Project
Forming Bypass Road to Uthiramerur Town Km 0_0_4_094] [Uthiramerur Bypass][2024_HWAY_448437_1] Department Name : Highways||Projects Wing||Chennai Circle Value of Project 34.99
Improvement Strengthening of road from Burighat to SermunII in Tripura On Engineering Procurement Construction EPC Mode] [PNIT-08-2023-24][2024_CEPWD_48530_1] Department Name :
Construction of Bilgaon to Savrayadigar Road VR-70 Km.0/00 to 5/300 Tal.Dhadgaon Dist.Nandurbar] [E-Tender Notice No.62 for 2023-24 (B-2 Tender) ][2024_PWR_1033842_1]