Project Discription: L023-NH313 to New Emali (Old Etalin). [Road from NH-313 to New Emali (Old Etalin)] [AR0203001][2024_CEAR_132385_1] Department Name :
Project Discription: Widening, Strengthening Reconsrtuction of Budhiyadih More (Opposite Saalsal Iron Factory) to Chatro Via Sri Rampur Market, Tikodih and
Project Discription: Construction and 5 year Maintenance Works of District- Deoria Under FDR Group UPFDR- 194] [8903/T-251/ UPRRDA/PMGSY-3/23-24 Dt. 28-2-24][2024_UPRRD_133496_5]
Project Discription: L022- Road from PMGSY road (Halaikrong) to Staging Hut Krosam] [AR16011429880][2024_CEAR_132845_1] Department Name : Tender Id : 2024_CEAR_132845_1
Project Discription: L021- BRO Road to Lamkung Village] [AR16011336723][2024_CEAR_132846_1] Department Name : Tender Id : 2024_CEAR_132846_1 Project Value : 207019942.6
Project Discription: L025-Road from PMGSY Road (Staging Hut Krosam) to Khrawit Village.] [AR1601560623][2024_CEAR_132849_1] Department Name : Tender Id : 2024_CEAR_132849_1
Project Discription: Construction of Indra-Pipariya Khairy Bilharai Ghughari khairghat Road Length 16.40 Km. Including Electric Pole Shifting and Lighting work.]
Project Discription: Widening and Strengtheing of Bhognadih on Barhait – Lalmatia Road-Malbhita-Lakhipur on Jojodari-Mohabbatpur Road Road (Total length – 8.875
Project Discription: Improvement of Riding Quality Work Khunti Torpa Kolebira (SH-3) Km 56.00 to 82.055 (Length-26.055 Km) ] [RCD/GUMLA/120/2023-24] Department
Project Discription: Widening, Strengthening and Reconstruction of Kano to Madankatta via Mahuatad ,Murlipahari, Baskuppi, Badia, Nagadori Road (Length -14.115 KM)