Treatment for critical land slide prone spots posing significant threat by taking Slope Protection Measures from Km 144.800 to Km145.000, Km148.00 to Km 148.350, Km150.920 to Km 151.020 And Km 155.800 to Km 156.000 in Kashedi Ghat and Km 200.317 to ] [No.NHD/PEN/AB/TC//2023-24/540 Dated 27.02.2024][2024_MoRTH_798878_1]
Department Name : Ministry of Road Transport and Highways||P6 Delhi – MoRTH||RO Mumbai – MoRTH||NH Maharashtra PWD-Pen – MoRTH
Value of Project 59,88,00,000
Tender publish date 5-Mar-2024 2:00 PM
Closing Date : Check in Department website. for more update.
the above information just for sharing knowledge purpose only.