New Construction of Bharthana Bypass work] [993/55C-EV/2024 DATE 21-02-2024][2024_CEKNP_906358_1] Department Name : Cheif Engineer Kanpur Zone PWD Kanpur||SE ETAWAH CIRCLE
Upgradation and Maintenance of Rawpuichhip to Buarpui Road [Rawpuichhip to Buarpui Road] [19/MiRRDA/2024][2024_MZPWD_132431_1] Department Name : PWD-MIZORAM Value of Project
Construction of Major Bridges, Underpasses for Wildlife and Road Over Bridges (ROBs) between..Single line..Single Railway Chhattisgarh over SECR] [IRCON/2059/CGRP/23