Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Odisha-AFSPA1677G1ZM Legal Name SANJAY KUMAR AGRAWALLA Trade Name SANJAY KUMAR AGRAWALLA Type of Company
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Odisha-AKDPK8902E1ZM Legal Name SHANTILATA KHUNTIA Trade Name SHANTILATA KHUNTIA Type of Company Proprietorship Tender
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Odisha-AGQPP5393P1ZJ Legal Name RUDRA PRASAD PANIGRAHI Trade Name RUDRA PRASAD PANIGRAHI Type of Company
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Odisha-AFNPP7761D1ZD Legal Name NIRANJAN PADHI Trade Name NIRANJAN PADHI Type of Company Proprietorship Tender
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Madhya Pradesh-AASFA1527G2ZN Legal Name ARUN CONSTRUCTION Trade Name ARUN CONSTRUCTION Type of Company Partnership
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Odisha-ABRFS7608E1Z3 Legal Name SRIJAGANNATH CONSTRUCTION Trade Name SRI JAGANNATH CONSTRUCTION Type of Company Partnership
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Madhya Pradesh-AFQPM5909P1ZQ Legal Name NARENDRA MISHRA Trade Name NARENDRA MISHRA Type of Company Proprietorship
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Madhya Pradesh-AMPPS4972A2ZV Legal Name RAJESH SHARMA Trade Name RAJESH SHARMA CONTRACTOR Type of Company
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Madhya Pradesh-AAHFK6214B1ZX Legal Name KUSHWAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Trade Name KUSHWAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Type of
Company Information Attribute Value GST Number Madhya Pradesh-ARLPS0611H1Z0 Legal Name KRISHNAKANT SOHGAURA Trade Name KRISHNAKANT SOHGAURA Type of Company Proprietorship