Project Title : Periodical Renewal from km 0.0 to 10.975 Sangareddy Bypass on Sangareddy Nanded Akola road of NH 161 in the state of Telangana on EPC Mode
Department Name : Morth Project 2023_MoRTH_736441_1
Value of Project : 82066757.54
Bid Opening Date : 12.05.23
- New upcoming tender for Construction of Railway Over Bridge Replacing Level Crossing No. 319 between Gunadala and Mustabad Stations in BZA-VSKP Section: A South Central Railway Project [2024_RITES_190362_1] Value of project 48,86,87,176 Project Location TelanganaConstruction of R.O.B in Lieu of LC No.319 at Km.440/22-24 as 1 x 36 M+1X54M+1X36M BOWSTRING (C/C Bearings) Girder with approach roads, Service roads and
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